Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Alnwick Castle Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

It seems to me also very fascinating to visit Hogwarts. I've seen Harry Potter film about two years ago during my short stay in Annecy. I still remember less or more some episodes.

When I learn your impression of visit to the castle, I also feel visiting in the castle.

I've a similar experience as you, with Claud MONET's japanese bridge and Nympheas series. I've seen them first in different museums and I went later to Giverny where he acheived all these famous paintings. It is fantastic, I can understand your feeling of this visit!

Thura Tun said...

Hi Ko Kyaw Naing. I always wanted to visited Giverny but I did not have the chance. Next time I come to France (I don't know when), I will definitely go there.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you can easily go there if you are in Paris, not far.... It's a place not to miss!

I think there are also so many things to visit in UK.

smaung said...

Ko Kyaw NAING apparently wanted to brag about his visits to Annecy and Giverny.

smaung said...

It must have been very fascinating to visit Hogwart. I saw Harry Potter film about two years ago during my short stay in Annecy. I still remember more or less some episodes.

When I read your impression of the visit to the castle, I also felt like visiting its interiors myself.

I have a similar experience as you do, with Claud Monet's Japanese bridge and Nympheas painting collections. I first saw them in different museums, and I later went to Giverny where he is said to have achieved all those famous works. It was fantastic. I can understand your feeling of this visit!

Hi Ko Kyaw Naing, I always wanted to visit Giverny, but did not have the chance. When I come to France next time.....