Friday, May 27, 2005

The Knight of Fantasia

Fantasia has enthralled me since childhood after watching the film “Never Ending Story.” Still, I can savour the pleasure every time I recollect the memories of that film. When Fantasia and my own day dreams merged, this poem evolved.

The Knight of Fantasia

A beauteous, heavenly, starry night
Decorated with the moon shining bright
There I beheld a majestic garden
With the gate of gold open.

I walked into the garden straight
Along the alley paved with jade
My way’s guided by the lanterns
Along the alley with the light golden.

Everywhere, I perceived the flowers
Under the light of moon the stars
Flora were unearthly and with aroma
Blooming proudly with ethereal colours.

At the alley’s end I perceived
A square lying in grand peace
Standing at the centre of the square
Was a large fountain of white marble.

I heard the splashes of water
Resembling the music of guitar
A pleasant breeze was blowing
Just to enhance the romantic scene.

Savouring the beauty of the night
I noticed somebody appear beside
I perceived a maiden fair
Environed with stardust there.

Language possesses not enough words
I cannot express her fairness thus
But I can say she was a belle
And much fairer than all the fair.

She eyed me with her sparkling eyes
And gave me a graceful smile
She’s the Empress of Fantasia
She said and welcomed me so dear.

I kneeled before her and then
She knighted me with her wand
I thus became the Knight of Fantasia
But others call me a Day Dreamer.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Unflinching Determination

This poem came from the very bottm of my heart. It was written over ten years ago but I still like it.

Unflinching Determination

The endless is the desert
The sun burning bright
The grilled sand is ruthless
And the hot wind in its flight.

The body burnt by the sun
The feet reddened with blood
Tramping alone a young man
Tortured by the mighty thirst.

At the peak of his sufferings
He saw a little Oasis
Covered with tall green trees
Was the water cold and clean.


Just gave it a glance and continued
As couldn’t afford his course askew.

A Seductive Black Hole

Black Holes are the heavenly bodies formed by the collapse of massive stars. They are infinitely dense and their gravity is extremely strong. The stronger the gravity, the greater the velocity a subject needs to escape from that gravitational field (Escape Velocity). Nothing can travel faster than light, and even the light itself cannot escape from the attraction of a black hole.
A Seductive Black Hole

I didn’t believe when Hawking said
That the holes in Heaven are so black
And that their attraction was tremendous
Even light itself can’t escape thus.

But now I know such a force exists
Even on the earth we live
It is so strong; Oh! It’s true.
That’s why every night I dream of you.

The Manly Heart

First of all, I will present to the reader “The Manly Heart” which is my very first poem. It was written in 1994 when I was in the first year in the medical school. This poem sort of pressed the Start button of the poetry machine in me, which, having been started once, seems to work forever. I got the inspiration from George Wither’s (1588 – 1667) poem the title of which is also “The Manly Heart.” It was my father who showed me that poem after assuming that a few days of his poor son’s silence was due to a broken heart!

The Manly Heart

Because of those little rosy cheeks,
Shall I be unable to sleep?
Be she the fairest of them all;
Or lovelier than Demi Moore.
If she does say nay to me,
Why bloody should I think of she?

Because she is intelligent,
Shall I allow myself go mad?
Be she wiser than all of thee;
Or smarter than Marie Curie.
If she thinks bad of me though,
I can scorn and let her go.

Because of her high prestige,
Shall I forget mine and weep?
Be she greater than all women;
Or higher than a princess even.
If she thinks not high of me,
I wouldn’t care how high she be.

Because she owns a noble heart,
Shall I bow to get her love?
Be she brighter than the day;
Or kinder than Nightingale.
If she is not so to me,
I wouldn’t care but forget she.

Because she is the best of all,
Shall I waste my time to adore?
If she loves me and this I learn,
I’d die for her in return.
But if she snubs me without a thought,
I’ll just tell her “GET LOST!”

The Next morning, my father found the poem I had written and he instantly wrote his own version of The Manly Heart. You will see his great sense of humor in it.

The Manly Heart

Be she larger than a whale,
Or stronger than a nine force gale.
So far she is a woman true,
Don’t worry I’ll know what I should do.

Her reputation foul in the air?
There is a saying “Foul is fair”
Though she smells foul like sulphur dioxide,
I know, not dangerous like cyanide.

Her tongue sharp like a razor blade?
But her weak brain will compensate.
Though she’s rough, coarse and old,
(only I know)
She’s worth the weight of her hips in gold.