Friday, September 19, 2008

An Intergalactic Chat

“You are the love of my life; you are the one, please don’t go. Please keep talking to me”, he pleaded with her through his microphone.  A sad smile crossed her face and she whispered to herself, “I love you too”. He couldn’t hear her whisper. “I wish you find happiness in your life” she said to  him through the communicator. “You know we cannot talk to each other again.  The wormhole I am using is getting unstable and will disappear in a very short time. I can find other wormholes but I will never know where these holes will lead me to. The universe is a big place and I am three million light years away from you. Without the wormholes, if I send you a message now, it will reach you only after three million years. I doubt even your descendents will be left on earth at that time. The  probability of finding another wormhole which will lead directly to your place is extremely low. I mean it is impossible. It was by pure chance that my communicator located the wormhole we are using now and we have been able to talk to each other. I want you to know that it was the best thing ever happened to me in my life and the notion that I am going to lose it forever is breaking my heart”. She went on talking to him and he just listened tears welling up in his eyes. "During our conversations, I learned a lot about your species and especially about you. I am sure you did the same thing about me. Never in my life have I been so open and attached to another person and felt such a strong bond. You are so special for me. My communicator is going to stop any time soon. The wormhole is getting more unstable. Before it goes off, I want you to know that every night, I will be looking up the sky towards your galaxy. I will know you are somewhere inside the Milky Way and I will talk to you. You won’t hear me but please know that I will be talking to you…. looking towards you…" The communicator stopped as the wormhole dissolved …. She couldn’t hear him say, “Although I won’t hear what you say, my heart will understand it.”

Sunday, September 07, 2008

My Bad Beauty

Beauty is just skin deep they say

It is the skin that I love

The inner quality I don’t care

But the skin shouldn’t be rough.


Rude be her language

May the name be rot

I will train my ears to that

But her touch must be soft.


Character, they say, is important

I would then ask “Who is perfect?”

Let them stay with the good “Ugly”

I am happy with my bad “Beauty”!